viernes, 27 de julio de 2012

O documento, assinado pelo ministro da Fazenda, Guido Mantega, e pela Secretária de Segurança Interna dos EUA, Janet Napolitano, tem como objetivo agilizar o comércio, aprimorar os padrões internacionais e utilizar tecnologias para melhorar a conectividade da cadeia de fornecimento.

Imprensa e analistas internacionais destacam o mau desempenho do país, com queda do IBC-Br de maio, além de desaceleração na indústria e no comércio

Depois de ser um dos “queridinhos do mercado” no ano passado, o Brasil não é mais visto pelos investidores internacionais como um lugar sem crise e em pleno desenvolvimento. Matéria da revista Forbes desta quinta-feira destaca que entre os BRICs – grupo formado por Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China – o país é o que vai crescer menos. A reportagem ressalta que a economia doméstica terá desempenho pior que a americana, epicentro da crise financeira internacional, que até hoje luta para voltar a crescer. “A projeção é que os Estados Unidos cresçam 2% neste ano, o maior avanço entre os países desenvolvidos. Entretanto, o PIB do Brasil parou completamente, dando-lhe o pior desempenho entre os quatro maiores emergentes (BRICs)”, diz a Forbes.

A publicação repercute o índice de atividade econômica do Banco Central, o IBC-Br, divulgado nesta quinta-feira. O dado – que é considerado uma prévia do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) brasileiro – teve em maio retração de 0,02% na comparação com abril. Apesar de a queda ter sido muito leve, a estatística revelou uma mudança de tendência (antes só se via alta no índice) que surpreendeu o mercado. Além disso, o índice de abril foi revisado para baixo: a expansão real passou a 0,10%, contra os 0,22% apurados anteriormente. Nos cinco primeiros meses do ano, o IBC-Br acumulou alta de 0,40% em comparação com mesmo período de 2011, ao passo que, no acumulado de doze meses, o aumento foi de 1,27%.

A Forbes lembra ainda que o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) já havia divulgado dois indicadores ruins em julho: as vendas do varejo caíram 0,8% em maio ante abril, a maior baixa desde novembro de 2008, e a produção industrial mostrou declínio mensal de 0,9%, o que significou o terceiro resultado negativo consecutivo neste tipo de comparação.

Projeções – A expectativa de que o país passe vexame entre os emergentes e fique, inclusive, atrás de uma economia desenvolvida em dificuldade, a americana, é endossada por analistas. Robert Wood, da Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), afirmou ao site de VEJA que, por ora, suas projeções apontam para uma expansão de 2% tanto para a economia dos EUA como para a do Brasil. "Mas existe um risco cada vez maior de o crescimento do PIB brasileiro ficar ainda mais fraco que os 2% que espero para os EUA", destacou. Também consultado pela reportagem, Jim O'Neill, economista do Goldman Sachs e o criador do termo BRICS, procurou não endossar a projeção pessimista da Forbes. "Espero alta de 3,4% para o PIB do Brasil neste ano e 2,2% para a economia americana, mas vou revisar esses dados na semana que vem", declarou.

Fracasso do modelo – Outras publicações, como o prestigiado jornal britânico Financial Times, também registraram a queda do IBC-Br nesta quinta-feira. Sob o título “Economia brasileira: indo para lugar nenhum”, o jornal inglês diz ainda que o indicador “jogou combustível ao argumento de que o modelo do Brasil, baseado no desenvolvimento impulsionado pelo estado, tem levado o crescimento a um beco sem saída”.

O jornal contesta a efetividade das medidas – monetárias e econômicas – tomadas pelo Banco Central e pelo Ministério da Fazenda para alavancar o consumo e dar suporte à indústria. “Com o México crescendo em seu espelho retrovisor, líderes brasileiros devem pensar se não poderiam aprender com os concorrentes de crescimento mais rápido e pensar em reformas, como a do mercado de trabalho”. Na quarta-feira, o Banco Central anunciou novo corte na taxa Selic, para 8% ao ano, destacando o fato de que a desaceleração da economia e a crise internacional abrem espaço para a queda dos juros.
O The Wall Street Journal, dos Estados Unidos, lembra que, no mês passado, o banco Credit Suisse revisou para baixo sua expectativa de crescimento para a economia nacional para apenas 1,5% neste ano, abaixo do consenso do mercado que está por volta de 2%. Isso foi “uma surpresa para a nação sul-americana, que uma vez foi sinônimo de crescimento rápido”.

O jornal afirma que o Brasil é, em parte, vítima de seu próprio sucesso. Com o real em alta na última década e investidores colocando bilhões de dólares no país, a indústria doméstica agora tem dificuldade de competir no mercado externo. A apreciação do câmbio descortina, na prática, as deficiências estruturais da economia brasileira. O grande problema, segundo analistas consultados pelo WSJ, é que o modelo de crescimento do Brasil – que mistura exportação de commodities, protecionismo industrial e a demanda do consumidor alimentada pelo crédito – parece ter perdido o fôlego.

Fora dos BRICs? – A publicação lembra também que o economista Jim O’Neill acredita que a desaceleração pode levantar questões sobre a permanência do Brasil no grupo dos BRICs. Ele tem argumentado, segundo o WSJ, que o país pode ter atingido seu limite de crescimento e agora os investidores estariam migrando para outras economias da região como México, Chile, Colômbia e Peru, que crescem mais que o Brasil.

jueves, 26 de julio de 2012

Brasil e EUA celebram acordo de segurança no comércio

Ministro Guido Mantega e a secretária americana de Segurança Interna, Janet Napolitano, assinam declaração conjunta nesta 4ª feira em Brasília

Os governos do Brasil e dos Estados Unidos assinaram nesta quarta-feira um acordo bilateral para garantir a segurança da cadeia de fornecimento entre os dois países.

O documento, assinado pelo ministro da Fazenda, Guido Mantega, e pela Secretária de Segurança Interna dos EUA, Janet Napolitano, tem como objetivo agilizar o comércio, aprimorar os padrões internacionais e utilizar tecnologias para melhorar a conectividade da cadeia de fornecimento.

De acordo com o texto da declaração conjunta, os dois países admitem o alto risco de utilização ilegal das redes de transporte aéreo, marítimo e terrestre, que ameaçam as cadeias de fornecimento intermodais que englobam bens, serviços, instalações e centros logísticos. Brasil e EUA reconhecem ainda a importância da prosperidade econômica existente entre ambos.

O acordo prevê ainda apoiar o desenvolvimento dos recursos humanos para agilizar o comércio entre Brasil e EUA e aprimorar as práticas recomendadas pela Organização Mundial das Aduanas.

Superávit da América Latina com EUA sobe 12% em maio

O superávit dos países da América Latina e do Caribe no comércio de bens com os Estados Unidos aumentou 12,3% de abril a maio e totalizou 5,4 bilhões de dólares, informou nesta quarta-feira o Departamento de Comércio dos Estados Unidos.

O saldo positivo da balança comercial regional com o mercado americano representou em maio 8% do déficit no comércio de bens dos EUA, que no mês somou 67,1 bilhões de dólares.

Nos cinco primeiros meses deste ano, o superávit latino-americano e caribenho somou 28,2 bilhões de dólares, em contraste com os 30,4 bilhões de dólares de superávit acumulado no mesmo período de 2011.

Déficit brasileiro – O comércio brasileiro com os EUA é um dos que estão deficitários. Dos 753 milhões de dólares de saldo negativo em abril passou-se a 956 milhões de dólares no mês seguinte, ou seja, uma alta de 27%.

O déficit caiu, no entanto, na comparação dos cinco primeiros meses de 2012 com o mesmo intervalo do ano anterior: 2,9 bilhões de dólares neste ano e 5,1 bilhões de dólares em 2011.

México avança – Enquanto isso, o superávit do México em seu comércio de bens com os EUA subiu de 5,4 bilhões de dólares em abril para 6,3 bilhões de dólares em maio. Nos cinco primeiros meses do ano, o saldo ficou em 27,9 bilhões de dólares, pouco mais que os 27,1 bilhões de dólares registrados entre janeiro e maio de 2011.

O déficit da Argentina passou de 707 milhões de dólares em abril a 748 milhões de dólares em maio. O país também piorou no total de cinco meses do ano, com saldo negativo de 1,8 bilhão de dólares em 2011 para 2,4 bilhões de dólares no mesmo período de 2012.

O caso do Chile não é melhor. O déficit do país passou de 603 milhões de dólares em abril a 881 milhões de dólares em maio e de 1,79 bilhão de dólares de janeiro a maio do ano passado a 3,3 bilhões de dólares na mesma época deste ano.

Na Colômbia o cenário é um pouco mais animador: o superávit aumentou de 848 milhões de dólares para 988 milhões de dólares de abril a maio, e 3,4 bilhões de dólares a 4,5 bilhões de dólares, na comparação dos primeiros cinco meses de 2011 e 2012.

Por sua vez, o superávit da Venezuela baixou de 2,1 bilhões de dólares em abril para 1,5 bilhão de dólares em maio. Nos cinco primeiros meses do ano, o saldo positivo venezuelano somou 10,3 bilhões de dólares, bem menos que os 13,7 bilhões de dólares de janeiro-maio de 2011.

Buying a home won't get much cheaper

Buying a home won't get much cheaper

Buying a home may never get any cheaper than this. Several housing experts are predicting that this year will be the last chance for bargain hunters to cash in on the best deals of the weak housing market.

With home prices down 34% nationally since 2006 and mortgage rates at historic lows, homes have never been more affordable -- but it won't stay this way for much longer.
Stuart Hoffman, chief economist for PNC Financial Services (PNC, Fortune 500), said he expects home prices to flatten out by the third quarter and start climbing by next year.
A number of factors will help bolster the housing market, he said, including a decline in the number of foreclosures and continued job growth. In addition, homebuyers will have better access to mortgages as they get their finances in order and improve their credit scores.

Mortgage payments at lowest level in decades

"This is a strong indicator that we will start seeing home price indexes, like the S&P/Case-Shiller, start to report home price increases this summer," he said.

Prospective homebuyers who've been sitting on the fence shouldn't worry if they aren't quite ready to make the leap. Analysts are predicting that the initial price gains will be modest, at least, in most markets.

Hoffman, for example, is forecasting a 2% increase in 2013 compared with 2012. Meanwhile David Stiff, chief economist for Fiserv, predicts that prices will turn in the last quarter of 2012 and will rise 4.2% for the 12 months through September 2013.

Foreclosures start to fade. One major factor that will drive the trend is the cooling of the foreclosure crisis. Stan Humphries, chief economist for Zillow, said that the percentage of mortgage loans 90 days or more late, a good predictor of future foreclosures, is "falling fast."
That percentage dropped 15% year-over-year to 3.1% through the end of 2011, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. And the decline is accelerating: More than 70% of the decline came in the last three months of the year.

Should you buy a home in 2012?

Before things slow down, however, buyers should brace themselves for a temporary spike in the number of foreclosures as banks start expediting the processing of hundreds of thousands foreclosures that were stuck in the system following the robo-signing scandal. That backlog should move more quickly now that new guidelines for processing foreclosures have been outlined in the $26 billion foreclosure settlement.

Many of the bank-owned properties currently coming out of the foreclosure pipeline are being snapped up by investors who are fixing them up and renting them out -- often to those who were displaced by the foreclosure of their own home. That has helped to lift prices on foreclosed properties, according to Alex Villacorte, the director of analytics for Clear Capital, which specializes in housing market valuations.

Home buying much cheaper than renting

"That could have a significant impact on the market overall in terms of providing a rising floor to home values," he said.

In some markets hit hard by foreclosures, the turnaround in prices is already underway. Phoenix recorded an 8.4% jump in home prices during the three months ended April 30, compared with the three months ended January 31, according to Clear Capital.
"It's crazy," said Tanya Marchiol, founder of Team Investments, a Phoenix real estate investing firm. "Stuff I was selling six months ago for $60,000 to $80,000 is now $90,000 to $110,000."

Miami saw a 4.6% increase quarter-over-quarter through April, and Tampa, Fla., was up 4.4%, according to Clear Capital.

Goodbye 3.8% mortgage. In addition to home prices, mortgages could also move higher.
Mortgage rates have been at or near historic lows for much of the past six months. The average interest rate for a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage has not topped 4.5% since July 2011 and this week, it hit 3.84%, a new low.

But rates aren't expected to remain at these record-low levels much longer. As the economy continues to recover, rates will move higher, said Doug Lebda, CEO of LendingTree, the online lending site. Although, he said, they will "stay very reasonable."

The Mortgage Bankers Association is forecasting that the 30-year fixed will hit 4.5% by the end of the year.

Greater demand for loans will help fuel the increase, according to Lebda.

6 Ways to get a great mortgage deal

Even though mortgage rates have been cheap, borrowing for home purchases has been sluggish. The Mortgage Bankers Association estimates that homebuyers will take out mortgage loans totaling about $415 billion this year, an increase of less than 3% compared with 2011. Next year, however, it forecasts that amount will almost double to $706 billion.
As housing markets stabilize and prices stop falling, homebuyers will be even more confident about buying, said Humphries.

"People can now see the light at the end of the tunnel," he said. "And that can be enough to get them off the fence."

CNN Money

viernes, 20 de julio de 2012



Hollywood is a European-style getaway nestled between Fort Lauderdale and Miami Beach. The beaches and Intracoastal Waterway are home to the best waterfront experiences. Conveniently located in proximity to both Fort Lauderdale and Miami International airports, 10 minutes away from Bal Harbour Shops and 25 minutes away from renowned and famous South Beach, Hollywood Beach’s unique diversity has converted this destination into a city rich with culture and flare that is unparalleled in the world today.


Distinctive architectural design by Miami’s Fullerton Diaz

Distinctive architectural design by Miami’s Fullerton Diaz; twin 49-story towers are icons of Miami’s skyline. Prestigious Biscayne Boulevard address at the heart of new downtown; neighboring upscale hotels, restaurants, cultured venues and bayfront park.

Property Features:

- Distinctive architectural design by Miami’s Fullerton Diaz; twin 49-story towers are icons of Miami’s skyline.
- Prestigious Biscayne Boulevard address at the heart of new downtown; neighboring upscale hotels, restaurants, cultured venues and bayfront park.
- Views of Biscayne Bay and parks; views of city lights and brilliant sunsets.
- Ground level retail and shops along Biscayne Blvd., 3rd street and 2nd street.
- Private garage parking in 1000-space garage with security service.
- Bank of high-speed elevators in each tower lobby.
- 24/7 attended lobby for each tower
- Top-to-bottom building security systems.


Axis es The property perfect for the family

Axis is a social center with party spaces, a screening room, a fitness club, two swimming pools and a tropical resort-style deck. It is your own personal business hub, with meeting spaces, wireless internet access and multimedia capabilities. And, perhaps best of all, Axis is your retreat from the rest of the world - a place to relax and enjoy the Biscayne Bay sunrises or city sunsets outside your window or on your spacious terrace.

Axis is all of these things and anything else you choose to make it. This is urban escapism at its best.At Axis, the dynamic lifestyle that comes with living in the center of Miami's thriving Mary Brickell Village is yours to savor. Day, night, workday or weekend, this is a place that professionals, couples, families and others, all feel right at home.

o  Excellent restaurants and other services right in your own building!
o  Less than 1 block from the heart of Mary Brickell Village.
o  Walking distance from nearly 50 restaurants, from everyday casual to the most elegant in Miami, serving authentic cuisines from all over the world.
o  Close to dozens of shops and boutiques offering unique and sophisticated fashions, jewelry, accessories, artwork and gifts.
o  Just a casual stroll to afternoon cocktails, happy hour locations, late-night dancing and other entertainment hot spots.
o  Moments from many world-class hotel facilities that provide you and your guests with excellent accessibility to events, meetings, spa services and other luxuries.
o  Adjacent to Metrorail with service to Government Center, Jackson Hospital Campus, university of Miami, and the direct-to-airport Orange Line.
o  A quick metro mover ride to Bayside Marketplace, American Airlines Arena, the Arsht Center to the Performing Arts, and Miami-Dade College's Wolfson Campus.
o  Moments away from leading pre-schools, numerous private elementary, middle and high school academies and across the street from award-winning Southside Elementary School.
o  Less than 2 miles from Key Biscayne, Midtown Miami and Vizcaya.
o  Only 5 miles to Coconut Grove and Miami Beach.
o  15 minutes to Miami International Airpot.
o  Convenient access to exceptional shopping centers such as The Village of Merrick Park, Dadeland Mall, Bal Harbour Shops, Aventura Mall and Sawgrass Mills.



Beautifully-finished residences. Unmatched location, views, and amenities. Three-year leaseback program available. Up to 70% developer financing available. Prices from the $200’s


The Opportunity

"The depleted value of the properties and the strong renting demand created a situation that we will probably see ounce in our lifetime."

The combination of buying at 40% to 60% of the original value and renting out at a normal rate per Square Foot translate into some over 10% return cash on cash. And the upscale perspective on the value of the property is fantastic.


Welcome to Broward's Best-Kept Secret

Midway between Weston and Ft. Lauderdale there's a thriving World of Country Clubs, Lakes and Parks That's15 minutes from everything you Want.

lunes, 16 de julio de 2012

VooDoo BDQ

Regional Center
About The Location

Miami-Dade and Broward counties are both large urban areas with a total population of approximately 6.3 million people. Major cities include Miami, Miami Beach, Coral Gables, Aventura, Hollywood, and Ft. Lauderdale. This area has both densely populated urban areas where pedestrian traffic is more relevant and important than traditional vehicle traffic and more typical suburban areas. Tourism and trade are the two largest driving economic forces in this market with more than 25 million tourists visiting the area each year. The population is extremely diverse but certainly has a heavy Latin influence due to the large number of people of Cuban, Columbian, Venezuelan and Brazilian decent and heritage. Miami and Broward counties provide many excellent opportunities for a retailer due to its’ many commercial and shopping areas. Examples of areas that would be an ideal location for a fast-casual restaurant such as VooDoo include: large traditional enclosed mall locations such as Aventura Mall, which is one of the top 5 largest malls in the United States; non-traditional malls such as Lincoln Road shopping corridor in Miami Beach; downtown locations in large urban cities such as Ft. Lauderdale and Miami; as well as the many busy retail corridors and streets intermixed throughout these counties. Due to its’ tremendous tourism, Miami-Dade and Broward’s retail footprint is even more impressive than the population numbers alone would suggest. In fact, many people from Europe and South America come to Miami and the surrounding areas simply to shop for several days and then go back to their native country. Obviously eating goes hand in hand with such shopping excursions. Within the last decade, there has been tremendous growth and building of new and attractive retail centers. Unfortunately, the general economic hard times that has hit this country has hit Florida even harder due to overbuilding. However, this allows a growing company the ability to find and enter into long term leases now that were not economically feasible a few years ago. This allows a company such as VooDoo BBQ & Grill the opportunity to secure tremendous A+ locations now that simply were not available several years ago, which will allow even stronger growth in the future. In summary, Miami-Dade and Broward counties offer tremendous opportunities for a company poised for tremendous growth in the retail sector.

Location of Florida in the U.S. Miami

Typical Location Description for a Restaurant

The ideal location for a VooDoo BBQ & Grill should contain a good mix of sufficient income, population (both day and night), traffic and/or good co-tenants, and good visibility. While it is not necessary that VooDoo seek out only high-income areas, it should seek out areas with sufficient income base similar to other fast-casual concepts such as Five Guys Burgers & Fries, Panera Bread, Chipotle, etc. This would include a median income within 3-5 miles of $50,000 and above. Further, the area population is very important, especially in trying to secure locations with good day time population, which is usually near large commercial and/or office complexes. These types of locations will drive the weekday lunch business, as well as sufficient residential population which will help drive night time and weekend business. Day time population and nearby workers is also very important as VooDoo generates a good percentage of its’ business from take-out orders. People that work in the area that may not have eaten lunch at VooDoo would be more likely to pick up dinner on their way home if that location is near their place of work. Traffic counts (both vehicle and people in more urban areas) are also extremely important in evaluating a location as the higher the traffic count in and around a prospective location, the more potential people will see the restaurant and would potentially go in and purchase items. A related item to traffic is co-tenancy. Having a location with good/strong co-tenants, as well as complementary co-tenants is key to picking a good location. For example, having a grocery store or a large mass-merchandise store (such as Wal- Mart or Target) in the center will drive people into the area or center who are ready to spend money and probably need to eat. Additionally, having a co-tenant such as Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts brings in a lot of people in the mornings who will then see your store or be reminded as to what they want to eat for lunch or dinner. Finally, good visibility is of tremendous importance for obvious reasons.

Description/Discussion on floor plan

The sample floor plan provided is an actual layout/floor plan of a new store located in South Carolina. This new layout is intended on providing an “open kitchen” type of feel so the customers can see their food being prepared. This relatively new design is becoming extremely popular among all fast-casual restaurants as people like to see their food being freshly prepared in a clean environment. Further, this design incorporates several different types of seating styles, including: booths; a large communal table; traditional two and four person tables; and counter-style seating which is especially popular with people dining alone. Additionally, because of the favorable weather in South Florida it is very important that all of the locations include attractive outdoor seating which increases the seating capacity of the store and creates a natural attraction for customers

“VooDoo BBQ & Grill franchisees are more satisfied than many of the franchisees operators we survey each year.
They seemed particularly satisfied with the knowledge and responsiveness of the corporate office and their overall experience as franchisees.”




Located in the exclusive gated 13.5-acre Riverfront community, residents live in a spacious, lushly landscaped oasis that gives you upscale resort comfort in the heart of Miami.!

It’s your kind of balance: relaxation on the inside, pulsing city on the outside.! Mint redefines urban living.

Royal Palm Town Center IV

The Project

Royal Palm Town Center IV is the IV (4th) and final Phase of a 150,000,000$ USD development called, Royal Palm. The project was a large tract of land situated in the town of Royal Palm in Palm Beach County. The developer, Pugliese’s Companies, developed property over a ten-year span. The Phases of the project are as follows:

Phase 1 Walmart

Walmart Superstore developed on the property. Approximately 80,000,000$ USD project. This phase included the sale of the property, site development, the development of a water retention lake on the property, out parcels and a Walmart Superstore. This Phase was completely sold and completed in 2006.

Phase II Public Storage

This phase of the project included the development of a large secure warehouse and public storage facility. This portion of the development is situated on the East end of the property. This phase was completed and sold for 11,500,000$ USD in 2007.


This phase of the project involved the sale and development of the USCIS Palm Beach office. This phase of the project is immediately adjacent to Phase IV of the project and is approximately one third the size of the Royal Palm Town Center IV Phase. The project involved the sale of the property and the United States Government Services Administration procuring a long term lease and developing the office complex. This building serves all of the Palm Beaches and was completed in 2008. The project was approximately 33,000,000$ USD.

Brickell CitiCentre

Mybrickell puts you in the middle of it all

o A new $700-million, 4.6 million square-foot business and shopping district
o Multiple urban office towers, condominium high-rises and downtown apartments
o Four city blocks of restaurants, upscale shops such as Harrods, and elite hotels
o Approved by the City of Miami * IN DESIGN STAGE * IN DESIGN STAGE Resorts World Miami*
o Each of the four hotels would cater to a different clientele: family hotel – 2,000 rooms, luxury hotel – 1,200 rooms, convention hotel – 1,300 rooms and boutique hotel – 750 rooms.
o Two residential condo towers with 1,000 units sitting behind the Boulevard Shops on Biscayne Boulevard.
o More than 50 restaurants, lounges, bars and nightclubs, ranging from fine dining to buffets and a food court for a total of 700,000 square feet.
o About 60 luxury shops, plus a marketplace for a total of 250,000 square feet.
o Convention and meeting space totaling 750,000 square feet, including a 200,000-square-foot ballroom.
o Entertainment facilities include a cinema and an interactive museum.
o A 3.6 acre rooftop lagoon
o Proposed site of Miami’s first full-scale casino (pending government approval)

Mybrickell puts you in the middle of it all

o Brickell is often referred to as The “Manhattan of the South”
o Brickell is comprised of several upscale, luxury condominium and apartment towers
o Largest concentration of international banks in the US
o Miami’s top destination for five-star hotels and restaurants
o Within blocks of the site of Brickell CitiCentre
o Less than 2 miles to the north of the future site of the Resorts World Miami waterfront resort, condominium and entertainment complex
o Mary Brickell Village, the social hub of restaurants, nightlife, and boutiques is around the corner

Car Jeep - Chsysler Dealership Fresno

Invest in your future with a proven American product Quality automobiles

Every day you see the popularity and appreciation for quality autos. This EB5 project, sponsored by California Global Alliance Regional Center, brings you close to one of the most popular activities in America, and the World – owning and driving a new, quality automobile.

This EB5 is a car dealership for the Chrysler, Jeep, RAM and Dodge auto products. The car industry is one of the largest business in the United States as people buy and sell their cards about once every two years. The owner has years of experience in the car business, and owns twelve other car dealership. Your investment is safe in the hands of such an experienced owner.

Automobile Dealerships Are A Perfect Fit For EB-5.

Few other business models are as well matched to the needs of EB-5 immigrant investors and the requirements of the EB-5 program. Automobile Dealerships Create Jobs:

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are over 1 Million US workers employed in this business sector. This is equal to an average exceeding seventy (70) full time jobs per automobile dealership.

Each dealership contains multiple complete businesses in one company, each with a complete management and support staff.

Hanford Chrysler- Dodge- Jeep- Ram will operate 4 businesses – New car sales, used car sales, automotive service and parts and distribution.

Hanford Chrysler- Dodge- Jeep- Ram plans include the creation of many of the required EB-5 jobs as the dealership opens.

EB-5 investors can track Hanford Chrysler- Dodge-Jeep- Ram job creation within the monthly financial statements submitted by the dealership to Chrysler

Simple Loan Model

An EB-5 partnership will loan money to the dealership and have a security interest in multiple dealership assets, including the inventory of new brand name vehicles.

Simple Readily Available Exit Strategy

EB-5 investors will have access to special discount pricing on new cars for their own personal use. The Hanford Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep-Ram project has USCIS Exemplar I-526 project approval. Every brand within the Chrysler Group Lineup will Undergo Major Modifications in the coming years.

Hanford Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep-Ram - EB-5 Project

The California Global Alliance regional center is sponsoring this project, which is opening a new $9,000,000.00USD retail automobile dealership for Chrysler Group that is now owned by Fiat SpA.

The operator of the new dealership has a number of other automobile dealerships in the region. Prospective EB-5 investors are welcome to tour the new dealership and other properties run by the operator.

The Car Products
Choose a Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep or RAM vehicle
Experience The Excellence in Quality and Handling


Chrysler car products:

2011 model year - major modifications to the Sebring and 300/ 300C lines
2013 model year - compact and midsize cars based upon Fiat models Chrysler Dodge

Dodge car products:

2011 model year - major modifications to Avenger, Journey and Caravan

Jeep car products:

2011 model year - Jeep Grand Cherokee is fully redesigned and equipped with the new Pentastar Engine
2011 model year – major modifications to the Patriot, Compass and Wrangler lines
Ram car products:

2011 model year – new pickup trucks rebranded as Ram 2013 model year – major modifications to existing lines and
the addition of commercial vans from Fiat. The company also has plans for marketing large Semi trucks in the US under the RAM brand



1. Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep-Ram Retail Automobile Dealership
2. Authorized franchise by Chrysler Group LLC jointly owned by the FIAT SpA company
3. Supported by local government
4. A by State of California
5. 12th car dealership owned by the regional center principals
6. Primarily financed by regional center principals

California Global Alliance, LLC.
3400 McCall Suite 100, Selma, CA

jueves, 5 de julio de 2012

A Business Man from Brasilia to invest into Royal Palm IV in West Palm Beach

A Business Man from Brasilia to invest into Royal Palm IV in West Palm Beach to apply for its Permanent Resident VISA

June 13, 2012

“Brazil is proving to be a key market for us”, said to O Estado de Sao Paulo Mr. Arturo Venti. Recently another business man from Brasilia Mr. Chiang found Become American Investor web site and got in contact with us. He said “I knew about the EB-5 Program but didn’t know that right here in Brazil we had a permanent representative”.

The EB-5 programs represents the straight forward way for an investor and his family to obtain the US Green Card but the process can be overwhelming due to the large available number of projects where to invest. Jin Chiang said that “Become American Investor was the right move for me since their partners in US are in the EB-5 business from 2003 and have created a large number of Regional Centers. They know every project in US. Also right here in Brazil they have achieve a local know how that no other company has. Local attorneys and bank managers already know what is EB-5 and can help you with the process.

They are known even inside the US Consulate of Sao Paulo !!. Through Become American Investor I found that for me Royal Palm IV was the best project to invest. It is a simple office building but it is already built. I took my decision based on being 100% secure that my money is right there close to my future house and within a tangible asset” said Mr. Chiang.

miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012

Become American Investor returns from successful meetings in Brazil and Argentina

Become American Investor returns from successful meetings in Brazil and Argentina

June 12, 2012


Charles O. Hutton, Arturi Venti and Tery Fuentes have returned from a very successful round of meetings with prospective EB-5 investors and decision makers held in Sao Paulo, Brazil and Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The Brazilian economy is the world's 6th largest by nominal GDP and the 7th largest in purchasing power parity, being one of the world's fastest growing major economies.  According to an article published in the Brazilian newspaper Estaduo, 19 new millionaires are "created" every day. The explosive growth of commerce, credit, the appreciation of Brazilian Real Estate and the discovery of massive oil reservoirs in the Latin American mammoth country are among a few of the factors driving such impressive numbers.
Although a new market for EB-5, Brazilian investors are receptive to the idea of investing in US-based projects in exchange for their US residency.  Historically, Brazilians pursued US Residency either through L-1 or H-1B visas, which has proven more and more difficult with the recession that decimated the US job market, leaving executives and high net-worth individuals with EB-5 as a safer and faster pathway to their green cards, and, subsequently, US Citizenship.



May 26, 2012



April 09, 2012

April 19th EB5 Seminar at the Chamber of Commerce in Belo Horizonte organized by Become American Investor

Belo Horizonte is located in the Estate of Minas Gerais and is the City where most Brazilian has emigrated to United States of America and now thanks to the steady growth of the local economy many investors are looking for ways to expand their business to US and have the possibility to legally be among US and Brazil. EB5 represent the best straight forward way to obtain the Permanent Resident for the investors and his family.
The assistance to the event had the participation of many local attorneys, fund managers, and Investors.

April 18th EB5 Seminar at the AMCHAM Sao Paulo organized by Become American Investor

During the event we had the honor to present to interested investors some of the most important Regional Centers that are currently being market worldwide.
As a special invited guest we had the former Mayor of Delray Beach City Mr. Jeff Palmer who introduced to all of us how The City Administration is supporting job creation via EB5 projects and how Brazilians are playing a key role in the community. He mentioned that once they become Americans via EB5 then their investment do not stop there and rapidly they grow into the community by creating new business.
During the event Become American Investor presented a project located in Florida as well as other projects located in Arizona and Chicago.
As an invited speaker we also had the presence of a long experienced Real Estate broker of Florida presenting current opportunities.

Punta del Este / Conrad Seminario de Ventas 2011

Punta del Este / Conrad Seminario de Ventas 2011
December 10, 2011

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